The Perfect Chocolate Chip Muffin

These muffins are delightfully scrumptious…perfect for a chocolaty treat without much guilt! 😉
Bon Appetit!

Edibles and Travels

Now I know that I usually try and find and make recipes that are just a little bit different, recipes that have a certain je ne sais quoin (lovely French followers – right spelling? Hope so!)

However, no good food blog is complete without a chocolate muffin recipe. Over the past few years, before I even had this blog, chocolate muffins were my favourite things to make. They were yummy and easy – the perfect combination for a foodie-in-training!



Yet, they were never special. They were never just right. They were often too spongy, too dry or too doughy. I could never find the right recipe to make the perfect chocolate chip muffin. Until today.

My friends, prepare to be amazed at this absolutely scrumptious recipe I found on this lovely blog – Kirbie Cravings. However, the recipe on this site wasn’t complete in my eyes (or more appropriately, my…

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